
RG MECHANICS GAMES - important answer

His homework situation, however, was mechsnics desperate, and when he returned to the Gryffindor common room he did not, though exhausted, go to bed, but opened his books and began Snapes moonstone essay. It was halfpast two by the time he had finished it. He knew he had done a poor job, but there was no help for it; unless he had something to give in he would be in detention with Snape next.

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NEW GAME - were

Pansy Parkinson, to Hermiones delight, missed all her lessons the following day, as she had sprouted antlers. Meanwhile it became clear just how many Skiving Snackboxes Fred and George had managed to sell before leaving Hogwarts.

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By Shaktinos

What are you doing in here, all alone. They looked at one another, surprised. Well - theres a sort of riot going on, said Ron.


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